The Fire Place Church holds additional positions on various topics that are integral to our understanding of faith and practice:

Men and Women in Ministry

  • We recognize the importance of 5-fold leadership (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) in fostering balance and advancement within the Church and the kingdom of God.

  • All believers, regardless of gender, are called to engage in ministry, with the role of 5-fold leaders being to equip them for this task.

  • We value the diverse contributions of other New Testament leadership roles such as overseers, elders/patriarchs, matriarchs, and deacons.

  • Within the family structure, we see parallels to the local church, acknowledging the father's role as the head of the home while also recognizing the valuable leadership role of the mother, functioning together as a leadership team.

  • Leadership within the church is viewed as a function rather than a position, emphasizing service and teamwork among leaders for mutual support and accountability.

Sexuality and Gender Identity

  • At The Fire Place Church, we warmly welcome and love all individuals. Our views on morality, family and relationship are grounded in the timeless teachings of the Bible regardless of societal trends.

  • No matter our personal experiences or backgrounds, we are united on a journey of embracing new life in Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek transformation and wholeness together as a community.

  • As a church, we offer companionship on a shared path of spiritual growth and freedom in Christ, walking side by side in love and mutual support.


  • The Fire Place Church defines marriage as a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, characterized by permanence, exclusivity, comprehensiveness, and conjugal union, ordained by God for the procreation and nurturing of families, and as a foundational unit for the moral, spiritual, and societal good.

  • Our understanding of marriage is rooted in biblical principles outlined in passages such as Genesis 1:27–28; 2:18–24, Matthew 19:4–9; Mark 10:5–9; and Ephesians 5:31–33.

These additional positions reflect our commitment to biblical truth and compassionate engagement with contemporary issues, shaping our approach to ministry, community, and discipleship as The Fire Place Church.