The Fire Place Church’s core beliefs serve as the bedrock of our faith, guiding our understanding of God, His Word, and our mission in the world. We firmly adhere to the following beliefs:

  1. The Triune God: We worship the one true God who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  2. God's Love, Grace, and Sovereignty: We affirm the love, grace, and sovereignty of God in His creation, sustenance, governance, redemption, and judgment of the world.

  3. Scriptural Authority: We uphold the divine inspiration and supreme authority of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures, recognizing them as the fully trustworthy written Word of God, guiding our faith and conduct. (Helpful scriptural reference: 2 Tim 3:16-17)

  4. Human Dignity and Sin: We acknowledge the dignity of all humanity, created in God's image for love, holiness, and stewardship of creation. Yet, we recognize the pervasive influence of sin, leading to divine judgment.

  5. The Incarnation and Atonement: We confess the incarnation of God's eternal Son, Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary, fully divine and fully human, yet without sin. We affirm His atoning sacrifice on the cross, reconciling humanity to God through His death and resurrection.

  6. Resurrection and Return of Christ: We believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, His ascension, and His future return to fulfil God's purposes, bringing judgment, eternal life to the redeemed, and condemnation to the lost, culminating in a new heaven and new earth.

  7. Salvation by Grace through Faith: We affirm justification by God's grace through faith in Christ alone.

  8. Water Baptism and Baptism in the Holy Spirit: We affirm the biblical mandate for disciples of Jesus Christ to publicly declare their faith through water baptism, symbolizing their identification with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. This act of obedience serves as a foundational step in their journey of discipleship. Furthermore, we acknowledge the essential role of the baptism in the Holy Spirit in empowering believers for effective ministry and witness. As followers of Christ, we are called not only to receive this empowering presence but also to continually seek His filling, recognizing it as indispensable for our ongoing spiritual growth and effectiveness in advancing God's kingdom.

  9. Ministry of the Holy Spirit: We embrace the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ, empowers discipleship, and enables witness.

  10. The Church: We recognize the church as the body of Christ, both locally and universally, empowered by the Spirit for worship, proclamation of the gospel, and promotion of justice and love.

  11. Preaching and Demonstrating the Gospel: We emphasize the full gospel of Christ's atonement, whereby sinners are transformed into saints, empowered by the Holy Spirit to manifest Jesus' love and power through physical healing and spiritual deliverance.

  12. Spiritual Gifts: We affirm the practice of spiritual gifts, distributed by the Holy Spirit for ministry and revealing aspects of Jesus' character to the world.

  13. Sanctification: We understand sanctification as an ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus through the inner working of the Holy Spirit, best experienced in the context of authentic Christian community.

These beliefs form the foundation of our identity as a faith community, guiding our worship,

witness, and mission in the world.