Why We Should Be Disciple Makers

Key Passage: Matthew 28:16-20

"Go into all the world and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
— Matthew 28:19-20

1. Jesus Commanded Us to Make Disciples

The Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:16-20, is the clear and direct command from Jesus. After His resurrection, He met with His disciples and charged them with the task of going out into the world, sharing the gospel, and making disciples. This was not a suggestion—it was a command. Jesus’ instructions to "make disciples of all nations" is not just for pastors or missionaries, but for every follower of Christ.

I can personally testify to the power of this command. I moved to England from my native Nigeria based on God's leading. I had a personal retreat, spending time with God in the year 2000, this was not an unusual occurrence. It was at this time, one day while I was worshiping God, I felt Him speak to me and give me clear instructions to move to the UK and how to. My experience was much like Paul, who travelled on God’s word in Acts 17:1-8. Paul and his companions brought the gospel to new places, and people said, “These people that have turned the world upside down have come here also.” I felt the same call to move to England —to make an impact, to help spread the gospel, and to disciple others in Christ.

2. Disciple-Making Brings Real Change to Individuals, Communities, and Nations

Discipleship is the way to bring lasting transformation. The gospel doesn’t just change individual hearts; it also transforms entire communities and nations. We see this in Acts 17, where the preaching of the gospel “turned the world upside down.”

When we make disciples, we are a part of God’s mission to bring His kingdom here on earth. It’s through discipleship that lives are changed — people are set free from addiction, communities are transformed by the love of Christ, and nations begin to reflect His justice and peace.

3. We All Have Something to Give, No Matter Where We Are on Our Spiritual Journey

You don’t need to be a seasoned Christian to start making disciples. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, there are always people who are not as far along as you, and you can mentor them with what you know.

In discipleship, we often talk about five stages* of spiritual growth:

  • Stage 1: Spiritually Dead – These are people who have not yet accepted Christ.

  • Stage 2: Infant – New believers who need foundational teaching.

  • Stage 3: Child – Growing believers who need guidance in understanding their identity in Christ.

  • Stage 4: Young Adult – Believers beginning to serve and take responsibility in their faith.

  • Stage 5: Parent – Mature disciples who are now making other disciples.

In addition, we can think of discipleship in the four spheres* of life: our relationship with God, family, church, and world. Each sphere offers unique opportunities for mentoring others.

One personal example of the power of discipleship is the story of two older ladies who mentored me at different stages of my Christian life. One mentored me as a young Christian in Nigeria and the other mentored me as a more mature Christian in the UK.  I learned so much from their lives and devotion to God. Through simple acts of obedience and sharing life together, I’ve seen God transform lives. Now, as a leader in the church and the Body of Christ, I still look up to other leaders and  I currently have a couple of mentors who I continue to seek advice from and learn from and who make input into my life and call tell me the honest truth even when it may be unpleasant. I know they love God, love me and want to help raise me up as a mature Christian and leader. I also know that these are people committed to seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:25-33) and therefore people whose example I can follow.

4. We Get to Be About Our Father’s Business

When we commit ourselves to making disciples, we align our hearts with God’s purpose for us. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” When we prioritize God’s business, He takes care of our own.

I had to make this decision personally. In 2011, God began to call me to leave my job at the time into a lifestyle of Christian ministry and entrepreneurship. He gave me some time to prepare but it was still a difficult decision when I left in 2013. I was excelling at the job and was holding a lead management role at the company. When I made the decision to resign and communicated it, I received lots of offers from my employer to change my mind and stay. In that same period, I also received an offer from a reputable Middle Eastern energy company that would have more than doubled my take home pay in addition to numerous other benefits. However, after seeking the Lord, I turned down those offers to follow God’s call on my life. Just like Nathanael in John 1:43-51, who was invited by Jesus to “come and see,” I knew I was stepping into an adventure with God that would be far more rewarding than anything the world could offer.

5. Discipleship is Adventurous and Miraculous

One of the most exciting aspects of being a disciple maker is witnessing God at work in ways you could never have imagined. Jesus said in John 1:50, “You will see greater things than this.” When we obey His call to make disciples, we open the door for God to perform miracles in and through our lives.

When I obeyed God’s call to move to the UK, I had no idea how God would provide, but I trusted Him. I witnessed a £20,000 miracle of provision from a totally unexpected source to facilitate my move. When it was difficult to get a visa, I had the favour of being included with diplomatic visa applications which led to a fast-track service. When I got to England, God miraculously spoke to me, sending people to direct me to the local church to join etc.  I’ve seen doors open that I couldn’t have anticipated and witnessed miraculous provision that can only be attributed to God’s hand. Mark 10:28-31 speaks of the rewards that come with leaving everything to follow Jesus—both in this life and the life to come.

6. It’s Rewarding—Both Now and in Eternity

Discipleship is probably the most rewarding thing you can ever do. Jesus promised that those who leave everything for His sake will receive a hundredfold in this life and eternal rewards in the next (Mark 10:29-30). Beyond material rewards, there’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing people grow in Christlikeness because of your investment in their lives.

Galatians 4:19 captures the heart of discipleship perfectly: “My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you.” It’s a labour of love, and there’s no greater joy than seeing people take their next steps in faith.

One of the most fulfilling experiences in my own life has been in private tutoring of STEM subjects. I have seen GCSE or A-level students who have been struggling with their confidence make great strides and achieve great attainment under my guidance. Sometimes they leave me a glowing review of how much I have helped them, and it almost brings tears to my eyes. It’s a reward that cannot be measured in earthly terms and making disciples for Christ is the same if not more.

In Closing: The Call to Discipleship

At the end of the day, disciple-making is not just a command; it’s an invitation to partner with God in His mission to redeem the world. It’s an adventure that takes faith, but the rewards—both now and in eternity—are beyond anything we could imagine.

What is your takeaway from this article?
My key takeaway is this: Making disciples is the most impactful and rewarding thing we can do with our lives.

If you haven’t yet committed your life to Jesus, your discipleship journey has not yet started. Today is the day for it to start. Why don’t you repent, believe in the gospel, and be baptized today. Jesus is inviting you to follow Him, to be His disciple, and to join Him in His mission to make more disciples. Will you answer the call? If you need help or support with this step, reach out to us by emailing us or using the contact form and we will be glad to help you.


* DISCIPLESHIFT by Jim Putman & Bobby Harrington

Sodi Toby
Sodi serves as our Managing Director and Projects Director. He has management and technical oversight across our offices. He graduated from the University of Sussex, UK with a first class MSc in Turbomachinery. Sodi has a track record of successfully managing production optimization and field development studies for major oil and gas companies internationally. He is an expert in gas compression and integrated asset modelling with more than a decade experience. In his career, the value he has provided in these areas has led to significant decisions which have provided immense production and project benefits for several operating companies. He has previously held senior roles including Head of Projects and Management Team Leader in a reputable engineering consulting firm from which he left to start up Eta Energy Solutions. He has also in previous roles, led software development teams in developing bespoke integrated asset modelling software. Sodi is a Chartered Engineer, professionally recognized by the Engineering Council (UK) and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). He is also a professionally recognised member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). He speaks regularly and presents technical papers at international oil and gas conferences across the world.

How to Develop a Disciple-Making Lifestyle